TuesdayNewsdayVol. 9 - Issue 16 - January 17, 2023 |  |
 Since its founding within UC Santa Cruz’s Division of the Arts in 2014, the Institute of the Arts and Sciences has been an impactful innovator in the arts and for social justice, demonstrating how art can be a catalyst for social change. |
The state-of-the-art facility will showcase the Institute of the Arts and Sciences’ groundbreaking exhibitions and programs, highlighting the work of major national and international artists working to address the most pressing issues of our day at the intersection of the arts and social justice. |
 | By Chancellor Cynthia Larive Teenie Matlock will support Native initiatives and opportunities. |
 | A search for variable stars called RR Lyrae has found some of the most distant stars in the Milky Way’s halo a million light years away. |
 | A new project by UCSC's Center for the Study of the Force Majeure will offer a transformative opportunity to interact with the world’s ocean ecosystem. |
 | Anthropology doctoral candidate Zahirah Suhaimi explores the significance of behavioral and ecological patterns for community resilience. |
 | Researchers envision machine learning algorithms that could monitor the real-time responses of the body to a variety of factors and produce a treatment plan.
 | In 2023, the program for Alumni Weekend will take on a redesigned look, with an aim to provide a more meaningful way for alumni to engage. |