TuesdayNewsdayVol. 7 - Issue 33 - May 18, 2021 |  |
 New research demonstrates the ‘time compression’ effect of virtual reality. |
A study inspired by a UC Santa Cruz student's experience as a cognitive science undergraduate demonstrates that time becomes more compressed for participants who play games in virtual reality compared with video games on conventional screens. |
 | Staff member Cindy Delgado knew she wanted to help after reading how contact tracing would be a key factor to slowing the spread of COVID-19 cases. |
 | The Kuya-Ate Mentorship Program is a student-initiated retention project targeted to, but not limited to, Pilipino/x students at UC Santa Cruz. |
 | Novel chip-based diagnostic technology can detect individual viral antigens with a single test to identify the viruses that cause COVID-19 and influenza. |
 | Stories of resilience and loss are preserved in 'The Empty Year: An Oral History of the Pandemic(s) of 2020 at UC Santa Cruz'.
 | UShER allows researchers to quickly see how a new viral sequence is related to all other variants, crucial information for tracking transmission dynamics.
 | The California Latino Legislative Caucus gave author Reyna Grande (Kresge '99, B.A. creative writing, film & video) its Literature & Advocacy award. |