UC Santa Cruz

Learning in nature boosts feelings of scientific competence and a sense of belonging and community—key factors that help retain diversity in STEM fields.

Study shows field courses boost STEM diversity

The challenge of diversifying STEM fields may get a boost from the results of a new study that show field courses help build self-confidence among students—especially those from underrepresented groups.

Campus Connection

UC Santa Cruz Minute

UC Santa Cruz Minute

Enjoy a stroll through Rachel Carson College, watch the hard-working bees, and take in the warm glow of the sunset from the Oakes knoll.

Natural history update: pollinators hard at work

Natural history update: pollinators hard at work

Join Environmental Studies Professor Stacy Philpott on a tour of the pollinators on campus, from the Farm to the meadows of upper campus.

Faculty Insight

How literature can capture the essence of life

How literature can capture the essence of life

In the San Francisco Chronicle, Dean Tyler Stovall writes how the humanities can offer insights into how people have dealt with the trauma of pandemics.

From our newscenter

Eminent biologist to join UC Santa Cruz faculty

Eminent biologist to join UC Santa Cruz faculty

Known for pioneering work on telomeres, Nobel laureate Carol Greider brings exceptional research and leadership skills to her appointment.

Taking care of business

Taking care of business

Students are part of GetVirtual, a program that doubles as an online entrepreneurship course and a nonprofit consulting firm, pairing students with local businesses.

Astronomers discover early disk galaxy

Astronomers discover early disk galaxy

The discovery of the massive galaxy, seen when the universe was only 10 percent of its current age, challenges traditional models of galaxy formation.

Virtual galleries created to exhibit award-winning art

Virtual galleries created to exhibit award-winning art

With campus closed and a physical exhibition out of the question, the artwork by Irwin Scholarship winners will appear in a virtual gallery this year.



The Line Up

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