TuesdayNewsdayVol. 6 - Issue 16 - January 14, 2020 |  |
 Jack Baskin's cornerstone gift helped launch the Baskin School of Engineering in 1997. |
Jack Baskin was a generous supporter of engineering and other programs at UC Santa Cruz over several decades, providing advice to faculty and campus leaders as well as transformational financial support. |
 | Kendra Dority, Associate Director, CITL An online course aims to prepare new teaching assistants for the important role of supporting student learning. |
 | The Royal Astronomical Society has awarded its Gold Medal in Astronomy to Sandra Faber, professor emerita of astronomy and astrophysics. |
 | Brent Haddad, professor of environmental studies, (center) is heading a research effort to improve the supply and quality of water in Egypt. |
 | Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, professor of African American studies at Princeton and author of 'From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation' will speak Jan 23. |
 | The public is invited to a lecture and workshop Jan. 25-26 that will feature the anti-corporate organizer who is leading the fight against Monsanto.