TuesdayNewsdayVol. 6 - Issue 6 - October 22, 2019 |  |
 Inbreeding in small, isolated populations can lead to reproductive failure. |
UC Santa Cruz scientists Beth Shapiro and Chris Wilmers report that the first genome sequencing of a puma known as 36m may lead to better conservation strategies enabling researchers to pinpoint groups that need an influx of new genes or identify the best pumas to move between populations. |
 | The team of 16 UC Santa Cruz undergraduates is using synthetic biology to solve real-world problems while building their research skills. |
 | UC Santa Cruz Professor Dee Hibbert-Jones creates documentary films that explore the crisis in the criminal justice system and the U.S. racial divide. |
 | Rebecca London, assistant professor of sociology, says that recess is an essential but often neglected part of the school day. |
 | The UC Santa Cruz Retirees Association has presented its Silver Slug Awards, giving scholarships to two students who are staff members and to the son of a staff member.