TuesdayNewsdayVol. 5 - Issue 32 - May 14, 2019 | |
Verity’s Dudleyas are threatened by poachers engaged in a lucrative and illegal succulent trade. |
Researcher Stephen McCabe is at the forefront of efforts to save a charismatic and rare plant from the hands of poachers—and possible extinction. |
| Michael Beck says that coral reefs in U.S. waters provide our country with more than $1.8 billion in flood protection benefits every year—underscoring the need to protect them. |
| What role should thinking about the far future—1,000 years ahead and beyond—play in research on campus? That’s the key question that will be discussed at "Ethics and the Far Future." |
| The unexpected brightness of ancient galaxies may explain "reionization," a transformative epoch in the history of the universe.
| Partnership between UCSC and the Monterey Bay Air Resources District supports a new course on air pollution and research on high-tech sensors to detect pollutants. |
| Undergrad’s innovative research may lead to new methods of weighing seals, expanding our understanding of the mammals and the oceans |