TuesdayNewsdayVol. 4 - Issue 32 - May 15, 2018 |  |
 Exploring themes of chaos, order, and the natural world, "The Magic Flute" is a fairy tale, with themes of love and good versus evil. (Photos by Steve DiBartolomeo) |
The collaboration to bring Mozart's last opera to life includes more than 100 people in UC Santa Cruz’s opera program and the Academy of Art University’s costume design program. |
 | Ólöf Einarsdóttir, Chair, Academic Senate The meeting on Wednesday will include updates from campus leaders and discussions on teaching evaluations, classrooms, and more. |
 | Carter plans to work with the community to make Rachel Carson College a leader in innovation at the interface between the environment and society. |
 | The panel convened by Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Haney will also include two men who spent a combined 72 years in solitary. |
 | Wednesday's event at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History will explore 1968's protests and revolutionary movements around the world. |