TuesdayNewsdayVol. 4 - Issue 37 - June 26, 2018 |  |
 The game is a cooperative puzzle-based narrative-building game that encourages a genuine connection between players. |
Five UC Santa Cruz students presented their game, "Meet Me in the Garden," at the largest independent games festival in the country. The game imagines a future in which traditional labels such as sexuality and gender are eradicated, so every person can be seen as equal. |
 | In 'The Conversation,' Lindsey Dillion writes that the current administration is aggressively reorganizing the EPA to promote interests of regulated industries. |
 | Outstanding Staff Award winner Judy Scarborough ensures quality teaching at UC Santa Cruz by helping the colleges hire instructors.
 | A new investigation of how children reason about religious rules reveals a remarkable level of acceptance of different religions' rules and practices. |
 | Mysterious features seen in light emitted from active galactic nuclei may be caused by dust clouds, according to new study |
 | Established in 2002, the annual award honors a faculty member in the Humanities for their excellence in teaching and their commitment to undergraduates.
 | More than 3,200 students participated in commencement ceremonies in the colleges, Graduate Division, and Baskin School of Engineering. |