TuesdayNewsdayVol. 4 - Issue 41 - August 21, 2018 |  |
 A new graduate program in Coastal Science and Policy at UC Santa Cruz will welcome its first cohort of students this fall. |
The interdisciplinary master's degree program will prepare students to design and implement solutions to the complex social, ecological, and technological problems facing the world's coastal ecosystems and communities. |
 | Karen Holl calls on Congress to make sure industry cleans up the messes it makes on public lands. |
 | Professor Karen Bassi will explore museums as sites of cultural meaning, and Dickens Project Director John Jordan will create a seminar on adaptations of literary works. |
 | In addition to a piece in 'The New York Times,' Reyna Grande has a new book that focuses on her journey as a first-generation college student. |
 | Associate Professor J. Cameron Monroe took Howard University students to Haiti and St. Croix as part of a partnership with Historically Black Colleges and Universities. |
 | A new in-depth study of moral reasoning challenges the notion that people are unable to think through difficult moral problems and rely primarily on automatic "gut" reactions.