TuesdayNewsdayVol. 4 - Issue 1 - September 19, 2017 |  |
 The Bob Dylan Archive includes 6,000 mostly unseen items from Dylan’s own personal collection, going back more than 50 years. (Courtesy of the Bob Dylan Archive, Tulsa, Oklahoma) |
Banana Slug Mark Davidson is the head archivist at the Bob Dylan Archive in Tulsa. Davidson earned a Ph.D. in cultural musicology from UC Santa Cruz in 2015. His dissertation focused on folk music during the New Deal. |
 | Writing in "The Conversation," biochemist Carrie L. Partch says she believes night owls may some day find relief through treatments that synchronize their cellular clocks.
 | Researchers are developing new protective coatings for large silver-based telescope mirrors by adapting a technique widely used in the microelectronics industry. |
 | Installation is complete on a fiber optic cable made possible by UC Santa Cruz that will bring reliable, speedy internet to underserved communities. |
 | Scientists found valuable samples for comparison to modern Weddell seals in the huts of Antarctic explorers Ernest Shackleton and Robert Falcon Scott. |