Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 2    ISSUE 2September 29, 2015

From our Newscenter

'Fiat Fifty' Founders: Spectacular night highlights proud past, bold future

'Fiat Fifty' Founders: Spectacular night highlights proud past, bold future

The crowning event of UC Santa Cruz's 50th anniversary celebration set the tone for the campus's future while remaining true to its creativity and iconoclastic spirit.

51st entering class distinguished by academic achievement, diversity

51st entering class distinguished by academic achievement, diversity

Beginning its 51st year, UC Santa Cruz welcomes new students: approximately 3,600 freshmen, 1,150 upper class transfers, and 550 graduate students.

New senate faculty members build campus strengths

New senate faculty members build campus strengths

From environmental sociology to game design, UC Santa Cruz professors are studying problems aimed at improving the world in which we live.

Newly endowed presidential chair will strengthen screenwriting program

Newly endowed presidential chair will strengthen screenwriting program

A gift from arts alumnus Ken Corday, plus funds from the UC Regents, will establish a new Presidential Chair in Writing for Television & Film.


We're in the news

Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times - September 23, 2015
Three California universities celebrate 50 years

U.S. News and World Report

U.S. News and World Report - September 23, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area College Road Trip: UC—Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel - September 27, 2015
UC Santa Cruz’s inaugural year was unlike any experience before, or since

Inside Science

Inside Science - September 18, 2015
Citizen science atop urban cliffs


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