Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 42September 15, 2015

From our Newscenter

Long-running program supports diversity in biomedical sciences

Long-running program supports diversity in biomedical sciences

Renewal of NIH grant provides $4 million for program supporting underrepresented minority students in biomedical fields.

Gift funds new presidential chair for physics of information

Gift funds new presidential chair for physics of information

Endowed chair is established by Federico Faggin, a physicist who developed the first commercial microprocessor.

How UCSC's unconventional faculty transformed higher education

How UCSC's unconventional faculty transformed higher education

Pioneering UC Santa Cruz faculty and staff challenged the status quo and helped reform higher education.

UC Santa Cruz Arboretum marks 50th Anniversary with Sept. 20 Jubilee

UC Santa Cruz Arboretum marks 50th Anniversary with Sept. 20 Jubilee

The Arboretum will celebrate its first 50 years and raise funds for the future at the 50th Anniversary Jubilee.


We're in the news

Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal - September 03, 2015
Large number of inmates in solitary poses problem for justice system, study says


Reuters - September 03, 2015
Dan Wirls: Why it’s so much easier for Congress to vote for war than peace

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel - September 02, 2015
Dickens Project receives NEH grant


Smithsonian - September 08, 2015
When Seals Molt, They Leave Behind Mercury


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