Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 33May 26, 2015

From our Newscenter

Alum's gift provides $3 million for open source research at UCSC

Alum's gift provides $3 million for open source research at UCSC

Sage Weil, who developed a successful storage system as his Ph.D. thesis here, has established an endowed chair and given $2 million more for research.

Outstanding Staff Award winner creates a sense of community

Outstanding Staff Award winner creates a sense of community

Honoree Wendy Baxter’s colleagues and students praise her unique ability to create a feeling of home and acceptance for undergraduates.

UC Santa Cruz plans Center of Excellence in Data Science Research

UC Santa Cruz plans Center of Excellence in Data Science Research

The Data, Discovery, and Decisions (D3) center aims to foster collaboration between industry and academia.

Dance professor fights cultural amnesia with ‘Splinters in Our Ankles'

Dance professor fights cultural amnesia with ‘Splinters in Our Ankles'

Production is theater arts professor Gerald Casel’s choreographic response to 'the collective cultural amnesia' about the Philippine national dance.


We're in the news

Vice magazine

Vice magazine - May 13, 2015
The baffling, gruesome plague that Is causing sea stars to tear themselves to pieces


Astronomy - May 18, 2015
Scientists at Keck discover the fluffiest galaxies


Aeon - May 21, 2015
Backyard evolution

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel - May 16, 2015
UC Santa Cruz research facility wins $2M grant


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