Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 36June 23, 2015

From our Newscenter

How a visionary, a genius, and the human genome came together

How a visionary, a genius, and the human genome came together

In 2000, two dogged researchers at UC Santa Cruz defied the odds to become the first in the world to assemble the DNA sequence of the human genome.

Thousands of freshly minted grads revel at commencement 2015

Thousands of freshly minted grads revel at commencement 2015

With new bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. degrees, UC Santa Cruz graduates celebrate their achievements and prepare to embrace new challenges.

First-in-family graduate to help urban teens discover pathways to college

First-in-family graduate to help urban teens discover pathways to college

Brittany Alba is poised to help other Californians follow her path to higher education with a fellowship advising San Jose high school students.

UCSC team introduces new web-based tools for finding videogames

UCSC team introduces new web-based tools for finding videogames

The proliferation of videogames has created a "discoverability" problem for game enthusiasts and others, but help is now just a click away.


We're in the news

The Atlantic

The Atlantic - June 15, 2015
U.S sprawl peaked in 1994 and has been declining ever since

Seattle Times

Seattle Times - June 16, 2015
Toxic algae bloom might be largest ever

New York Times

New York Times - June 12, 2015
Wave of Protests Spreads to Scandal-Weary Honduras and Guatemala


Forbes - June 05, 2015
The Grateful Dead Are Releasing An 80-Disc, $700 Collector's Box Set

Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times - June 19, 2015
Toxic algae bloom shuts down West Coast fisheries


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