Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 16January 27, 2015

From our Newscenter

50 artists from five decades: 50th alumni exhibition opens Feb. 5

50 artists from five decades: 50th alumni exhibition opens Feb. 5

UC Santa Cruz alumni from across the country are contributing their works to '50/50'—a new art exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the campus.

Scientists drill through half mile of ice for data on ice sheet stability

Scientists drill through half mile of ice for data on ice sheet stability

A team including researchers from UC Santa Cruz has become the first ever to reach and sample the "grounding zone" of an Antarctic ice sheet.

From smart grids to flying robots, engineer finds applications for theory

From smart grids to flying robots, engineer finds applications for theory

UC Santa Cruz computer engineer Ricardo Sanfelice uses hybrid systems analysis to understand and control systems with complex behavior.


We're in the news

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle - January 22, 2015
Lisbeth Haas: Serra a poor choice for sainthood amid attempts at reconciliation

Scientific American

Scientific American - January 16, 2015
Scientists drill through 2,400 feet of Antarctic ice for climate clues

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle - January 22, 2015
Seal cams’ in-depth study follows marine mammals under ice

San Jose Mercury News

San Jose Mercury News - January 18, 2015
Research shows elephant seals wander far when not lounging ashore

San Jose Mercury News

San Jose Mercury News - January 23, 2015
Sea otter pup conceived in wild is first born in captivity


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