Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 15January 20, 2015

From our Newscenter

UC Santa Cruz to lead effort to build a new map of human genetic variation

UC Santa Cruz to lead effort to build a new map of human genetic variation

A grant of up to $1 million helps UC Santa Cruz researchers develop a new comprehensive Human Genome Variation Map.

Alumnus Tom Franco brings his collaborative art culture to campus

Alumnus Tom Franco brings his collaborative art culture to campus

Porter College grad is the founder and director of the Firehouse Art Collective, a pioneering nonprofit that is changing the arts community in the East Bay.

Heart arrhythmias detected in deep-diving marine mammals

Heart arrhythmias detected in deep-diving marine mammals

Exercising while holding their breath remains a physiological challenge for marine mammals, despite remarkable adaptations to aquatic life.

Astronomer Claire Max recognized for astronomical instrumentation

Astronomer Claire Max recognized for astronomical instrumentation

The American Astronomical Society awarded the Joseph Weber Award for Astronomical Instrumentation to UC Observatories director Claire Max.

New public humanities series brings campus to community

New public humanities series brings campus to community

'Questions That Matter,' the first in a new series of public dialogs begins Tuesday, January 27, at Kuumbwa Jazz Center.


We're in the news

Scientific American

Scientific American - January 16, 2015
Scientists drill through 2,400 feet of Antarctic ice for climate clues

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel - January 14, 2015
UCSC Genomics Institute receives $1 million grant

Silicon Valley Business Journal

Silicon Valley Business Journal - January 16, 2015
Elon Musk donates $10M to make sure AI doesn't turn against us

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel - January 15, 2015
UCSC kicks off golden anniversary


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