Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 18February 10, 2015

From our Newscenter

Google gives Lick Observatory $1 million to support operating costs

Google gives Lick Observatory $1 million to support operating costs

Google has given $1 million to the UC Santa Cruz-managed Lick Observatory to support an invaluable teaching and research resource for California.

Shrinking range of pikas in California mountains linked to climate change

Shrinking range of pikas in California mountains linked to climate change

UC Santa Cruz researchers find the American pika disappearing from low-elevation sites; the cause appears to be climate change.

Oakes alumnus wins Tony Hill Award for guiding students toward college

Oakes alumnus wins Tony Hill Award for guiding students toward college

Jacob Martinez is a strong advocate for low-income Latino and Latina youth who are interested in science, math, and technology careers but face obstacles.

 Institute of Arts and Sciences to host first LASER talk of the year

Institute of Arts and Sciences to host first LASER talk of the year

The event tonight will include talks by four UC Santa Cruz faculty — Lewis Watts, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Deanna Shemek, and Colleen Reichmuth.


We're in the news

National Geographic

National Geographic - February 06, 2015
Bright Pink Sea Slugs Invading New Habitats Due to Global Warming?

Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times - February 02, 2015
Mercury levels rising in Pacific yellowfin tuna, study says


Wired - February 03, 2015
A Gorgeous Geology App That Explores New UX Territory

The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post - February 04, 2015
Dana Frank: The Long Judicial Arm of the Honduran Coup


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