Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 39June 27, 2024

From our Newscenter

New state initiative selects UC Santa Cruz pediatric cancer project

New state initiative selects UC Santa Cruz pediatric cancer project

The Genomics Institute's California Kids Cancer Comparison project has received $1.2 million from California's Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine.

New Presidential Chair will support Dickens Project and literature studies

New Presidential Chair will support Dickens Project and literature studies

Campus receives a $500,000 gift, plus matching funds from the UC Regents, to establish a $1 million Jordan-Stern Presidential Chair.

Undergraduate research opportunities blossom during summer

Undergraduate research opportunities blossom during summer

Transfer student Guinevere Ashley is finding meaning and purpose in biomedical sciences research this summer while working in a campus lab.

Alumnus Brannon Braga wins Peabody award for ‘Cosmos’

Alumnus Brannon Braga wins Peabody award for ‘Cosmos’

Film and digital media grad ('90) served as executive producer and director for the re-launch of 'Cosmos,' the iconic 1980 PBS miniseries with Carl Sagan.


We're in the news

New York Times

New York Times - August 04, 2015
Solitary Confinement: Punished for Life

Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal - July 19, 2015
The Magic of Tidying Up—Digitally

The Washington Post

The Washington Post - July 23, 2015
The complicated history of capturing racist violence on film

Pacific Standard

Pacific Standard - July 24, 2015
Seals Take Hearing Tests—and Offer Insight Into Arctic Drilling's Impact on Marine Mammals


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