Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 11December 09, 2014

From our Newscenter

UC Santa Cruz's Ruby Rich receives San Francisco Film Society honor

UC Santa Cruz's Ruby Rich receives San Francisco Film Society honor

Arts professor B. Ruby Rich was honored at the San Francisco Film Society’s fifth annual Essential SF event.

Lick Observatory plans major upgrade for Shane Telescope

Lick Observatory plans major upgrade for Shane Telescope

UC Santa Cruz received $350,000 in grant and donor funds for an upgrade of the Kast Spectrograph, a crucial instrument for UC astronomers.

New fiction by alumna author featured in 'The New Yorker'

New fiction by alumna author featured in 'The New Yorker'

Writer Elizabeth McKenzie received her B.A. in Literature from UC Santa Cruz in 1981 and taught as a Kresge lecturer from 2008 to 2010.

Student robotics competition Friday features 'Game of Drones' theme

Student robotics competition Friday features 'Game of Drones' theme

Small autonomous robots built by UC Santa Cruz engineering students will face off in "Game of Drones" competition.


We're in the news


Mongabay - December 01, 2014
Egyptian art helps chart past extinctions of big mammals

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel - December 04, 2014
UCSC researchers link bat epidemic to hibernation

San Francisco Examiner

San Francisco Examiner - December 01, 2014
‘Lost Landscapes’ address S.F.’s future


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