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Crafting a way to help those less fortunate: A student-founded nonprofit aims to give artisans the tools they need for success in developing countries. [More] |
Going the distance: UC Santa Cruz to offer free online courses to the public through the popular Coursera platform. [More] |
The gift of education: The 10th annual Scholarship Benefit Dinner drew attention to the campus's increasing need to raise money for student scholarships and fellowships. [More] |
Join our Facebook community to be part of the ongoing conversation. In the past month, we've talked about mountain lions, banana slug mating rituals (for Valentine's Day of course), and student flash mobs in support of One Billion Rising. [Join the discussion] |
Alumni Weekend 2013
Register today: April 26-28, 2013. [More] |
- Alumni Notes: What have you been up to? Share your latest news with your fellow Banana Slugs.
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