Resources for undocumented members of our campus community

Dear Campus Community,

We write today to reaffirm our support and care for undocumented members of the UC Santa Cruz community. Our campus is built on an ethos of equity and inclusion. We are deeply proud of our longstanding efforts to advance educational opportunities, foster an inclusive community, and celebrate the heritage, achievements, and contributions of all of our community members.

We want every member of our campus community to know that:

Undocumented and DACAmented students (those who have applied for and received documentation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program) are able to attend UC Santa Cruz. We are dedicated to the ideal that all students, regardless of immigration status, have equal access to a UC Santa Cruz education. While we are guided by Assembly Bill 21 (AB21) and the UC Statement of Principles of Undocumented Members of the UC Community, which require campuses to foster an environment that is safe and welcoming for all, we are committed to this work because it is the right thing to do.

Undocumented and DACAmented community members belong at UC Santa Cruz. The efforts, achievements and contributions of our undocumented and DACAmented students make our community stronger and more vibrant.

Undocumented and DACAmented members of our community have access to an array of campus resources. Here are a few that may be helpful:

  • Immigration Legal Services: If you or your loved one needs confidential consultation to assess eligibility for immigration relief programs, assistance with renewing your DACA status or have any questions regarding your status, you can make an appointment with a legal services provider for assistance.
  • Undocumented Student Services: Undocumented Student Services offers a wide range of support systems, resources, and community for undocumented and DACAmented students.
  • Assembly Bill 21 Resources: AB21 was approved and signed by former Governor Brown, pledging access to higher education for every student regardless of immigration status. This campus webpage provides information about AB21 resources that are available to undocumented and DACAmented students at UC Santa Cruz. If you are advised that an immigration officer is expected to enter, will enter, or has entered the campus to execute an immigration order, notify the Campus Counsel’s Office at 831–459–1848 as soon as possible.
  • Know Your Rights cards: Know Your Rights cards are now available for members of the campus community at various campus locations, including the Educational Opportunity Programs at the Academic Resource Center, Hahn Student Services, Kerr Hall, and the resource centers. Students and departments can request cards by emailing
  • Frequently Asked Questions for University Employees About Possible Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property: We know that many members of the University of California community are concerned about immigration enforcement actions that may occur across the country and have asked about the possibility that enforcement actions could occur at UC. This FAQ provides information for UC employees about how to respond in such a situation. As Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policies and practices may continue to evolve, UC will update this guidance as warranted. Please note that immigration officers may appear on campus for reasons unrelated to apprehending an individual, such as carrying out duties related to the international Student and Exchange Visitor Program. If an immigration or other law enforcement officer presents themselves at a UCSC employee’s office or worksite, the employee should contact the Office of Campus Counsel ( or 831–459–1848).
  • Slug Support: Slug Support can help make connections for students to a multitude of other campus resources.

Counseling and Psychological Services also provides assistance for students and our Employee Assistance Program offers counseling and support to employees. On the Margins provides coaching sessions for students and employees. To report discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics, contact the Office of Equity and Equal Protection.

It is imperative that all in our community know our support for our undocumented and DACAmented community is unwavering.

Cindy and Lori

Cynthia Larive

Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor