Breaking records and feeding hope, once again!

Greetings, UCSC Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The UCSC Staff Advisory Board is thrilled to share with you that our UCSC community has broken our own record of generosity in this year's Second Harvest Holiday Food & Fund Drive - for the fourth year in a row!
  • $34,926 donated by students, which is a 42% increase from last year
  • $51,049 donated by faculty, staff, and the larger UCSC community - a 33% increase
Also, because our generous community continues to raise enough to match their gift, Tibi McCann and Eric Jensen have chosen to donate $50,000 through the UCSC team once again!

That’s a total of $135,975. Most importantly, that represents about 407,925 meals, which means the UCSC team provided enough healthy food for 373 people to enjoy three meals per day, all year long - now that’s feeding hope! If it sounds impossible, you can visit this page to read how Second Harvest Food Bank (SHFB) can feed one person for one day with $1.

Pro Tip for next year: Start saving now so you can “Give What You Get!” Since SHFB can buy three healthy meals for $1, that makes it more possible for many of us to buy a whole year’s worth of healthy meals for another household like our own:
  • One-person household:     $365
  • Two-person household:     $730
  • Three-person household:  $1,095
  • Four-person household:    $1,460
  • BONUS: Count your pets in your calculation! 
As always, if you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, please visit this web page. In the same way food goes through seasons, each of us also goes through different seasons of giving and receiving. Be sure to fully participate in whatever season you’re in now.

Thank you for feeding hope,
SAB’s Holiday Food & Fund Drive Team