The UC Santa Cruz Office of Emergency Management (OEM) regularly engages with our local and statewide partners to ensure we are aware and prepared for emergencies that may impact our community. To help us reach you quickly during emergencies, please take a moment to verify that your CruzID contact information is up-to-date. This ensures that you’ll receive important campus messages across your devices.
If you live off-campus in Santa Cruz County or neighboring areas, we recommend signing up for local emergency alerts to stay informed about potential impacts in your region. Here are resources for key counties:
- Santa Cruz County - CruzAware
- Santa Clara County - AlertSCC
- Monterey County - Alert Monterey County
- Other Counties -
OEM maintains a repository of Campus Emergency Procedures that provide hazard-specific preparedness and response information. We encourage all members of our campus community to review this information and plan accordingly. Additionally, OEM offers free online Emergency Preparedness Training to all UCSC affiliates every month.
Important Safety Reminders
- Essential updates will be sent via phone calls, text messages, and emails.
- During severe weather events, be prepared for power and internet outages.
- Roads may be closed or congested due to storm conditions. Plan for delays, drive cautiously, and avoid flooded roadways.
- If conditions are unsafe, do not take unnecessary risks to come to campus – contact your instructor or supervisor.
Stay safe, stay informed, and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your community.