UCPath Direct Deposit Phishing Alert
Dear UC Santa Cruz Staff,
There is an ongoing phishing attempt targeting UC employees that aims to gain access to your paycheck and reroute your direct deposit.
DO NOT open this email, click any links, open attachments, or enter your username and password into the fraudulent UCPath login page.
The UCSC Information Security Team is working with the UC Office of the President and UCSC’s Financial Affairs Office to investigate and triage known affected individuals. At this time, we believe that the scope of impact is limited.
Phishing email details
- The subject line of this phishing email is "Update Your UCPath Account".
- It includes a link to a fake login page that closely resembles the official UCPath interface.
- The bad actor's goal is to obtain your UCPath login credentials.
Immediate actions required
- If you receive this email, follow the university's incident response process and report it to the UC Santa Cruz IT Security Team.
- After reporting, delete the email to maintain security and prevent potential risks.
- Even if you did not receive the email, we recommend checking that your direct deposit information, including your home address, is correct in UCPath. (UCPath > Employee Actions > Income and Taxes > Direct Deposit)
How to stay cyber-safe Understanding and recognizing phishing attempts is crucial in protecting personal and professional information. For more tips on identifying and dealing with phishing, please read the UC Systemwide’s article Don't Let Phishing Scams Reel You In. Stay vigilant and report suspicious activity to your local IT security team and UCPath.
For specific details about this scam, visit the UC security alert.
Thank you,
Biju Kamaleswaran Associate Vice Chancellor Financial Affairs
Brian Hall Associate Vice Chancellor Information Security