Leading the Change: The UC Santa Cruz Strategic Plan town hall to focus on climate change, research excellence

In support of Leading the Change: The UC Santa Cruz Strategic Plan, all UC Santa Cruz community members are invited to attend a town hall hosted by the Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience Committee, and Distinction in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Committee. 

The town hall will be from 12:30–2 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 13. 

Leading the Change: The UC Santa Cruz Strategic Plan will identify campus goals and establish metrics by which success will be measured over the next decade. The plan will focus on research excellence, undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities, ensuring an inclusive campus community, and climate change.

At this Zoom town hall, the two committees request your input to help them identify campus goals in these areas. The details are below. 

What: Town hall for Leading the Change: The UC Santa Cruz Strategic Plan, hosted by the Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience Committee, and Distinction in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Committee. 

Who: All UCSC community members are welcome, and feel free to attend any portion of this event that fits into your schedule. 

When: December 13 from 12:30-2pm

Where: Zoom https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/91668997299?pwd=TDRzdmxLSkpndE92VG8zZ2dkS3dZUT09, Passcode: 523275

Questions? Please reach out to Derek Martin at deemarti@ucsc.edu.