Realigning the Office of Planning and Budget with new reporting structures

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: Lori Kletzer, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, and Sarah Latham, Vice Chancellor, Business Administrative Services

Effective March 1, the Office of Planning and Budget was realigned and reporting structures changed to strengthen the effectiveness of the four units within the office and to increase transparency about campus resources. An analysis of the organizational structures of other UC campuses, consultation with Academic Senate and campus leadership, and a year of reflection and thoughtful consideration informed our thinking.

Last year Vice Chancellor for Planning and Budget Peggy Delaney retired. Peggy’s creative, committed leadership of the division for a decade elevated the stature of all the units reporting to her. This realignment is a testament to the talented teams she developed. Last spring, the Office of the Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (CPEVC) temporarily assumed direct oversight of the units in Planning and Budget and that experience also informed the restructuring.

In the new organizational structure, Budget and Resource Management (BRM); Institutional Research, Assessment and Policy Studies (IRAPS); and Data Management Services (DM) will now be a part of the Office of the CPEVC. Julian Fernald, the director of IRAPS, will report directly to the CPEVC. Data Management Services, led by Director Todd Graham, and Budget and Resource Management will be part of the newly formed Budget Analysis and Planning unit. Budget Director Kim Register will lead this unit as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Budget Analysis and Planning (AVC BAP). She will report to the CPEVC with a secondary reporting relationship to Chancellor Cynthia Larive. The office of Capital Planning and Space Management (CPSM), led by Director Karen Smith, will now report to the Division of Business and Administrative Services as a unit within Physical Planning, Development and Operations.

These changes will help us function more effectively and efficiently as we work together toward our larger campus goals. For example, the synergies between the work carried out by Capital Planning and Space Management with Physical Planning, Development and Operations units will streamline workflows and leverage professional expertise on capital projects and space allocation decisions. In this new structure all organizations formerly within the Division of Planning and Budget will continue to work together collaboratively.

Improving student success, solidifying our status as a research leader, and cultivating an inclusive campus remain campus priorities. We believe this operational realignment will boost our ability to leverage our resources and work together toward achieving our campus goals.