Changes to vision talk format for Vice Chancellor of University Relations candidates

To: UC Santa Cruz Faculty and Staff

From: Sarah Latham, Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services

In order to align with the COVID-19 public event guidance issued yesterday, we are canceling the Vice Chancellor of University Relations candidate in-person vision talks scheduled to take place this month. We are shifting them to an online only modality. Questions will be gathered in advance and vision talks will be recorded, though not broadcast live. Submitted questions will not be shared with candidates in advance of the recording of their vision talks. All vision talk recordings, which will include both a presentation and response to questions submitted, will be posted online at on March 23. This is the same location where candidate resumes are being posted.

If you would like to submit a question for the candidates to answer at the conclusion of their visions talks, you may send them to Lauren Morgan at Key dates are as follows.

Candidate 1
Candidate visit has already concluded

Candidate 2
Resume posting date - Resume currently available via link above
Deadline to submit questions for vision talk - March 13th by 9am

Candidate 3
Resume posting date - March 11th
Deadline to submit questions for vision talk - March 16th by 5pm

Candidate 4
Resume posting date - March 13th
Deadline to submit questions - March 19th by 9am