Deer Alert - Rutting Season

To: UCSC Community

From: UCSC Grounds Services

This time of year drivers and cyclists need to be extra vigilant about deer darting into roadways. It is deer rutting season, when the bucks are in hot pursuit of mates. Deer will often run across roads, appearing to come out of nowhere as the mating season progresses.

Please drive cautiously, especially along wooded roadways with little visibility. Even in open spaces, deer can be running at top speed, oblivious to oncoming vehicles. With the return of students to campus this fall, especially new students unfamiliar with the campus, the risk of hitting a deer or causing an accident by stopping suddenly or swerving is at its peak.

Various local organizations and campus departments assume responsibility for providing some animal services and or advice. If the animal appears to be a danger, is injured or may be injured, please call the campus police at (831) 459-2231, if there is an immediate danger, dial 9-1-1.

Another resource is Native Animal Rescue, (831) 462-0726. They will not pick up wildlife, it must be transported to them.

For more information see the UCSC Police Department’s Animal Control website at