The Office of the President invites comments on proposed revisions to the Presidential Policy on Sexual
Violence and Sexual Harassment.
The revision addresses the following key issues:
- A fuller explanation of what the policy covers, such as acts committed by and against third parties, and
how the Title IX offices will evaluate reports to decide whether to initiate a resolution process; - Changes to the definitions of conduct prohibited by the policy, including sexual assault, relationship
violence, and retaliation; - Enumeration of the specific procedures UC will use to investigate and adjudicate reports;
- A more detailed description of the informal (Alternative Resolution) process, and parties’ rights in that
process; - Addition of a 30 to
60 day timeframe for Alternative Resolution,and extension of the timeframe for
the Formal Investigation process from 60 days to 90 days; - Provision for the Title IX officer to initiate investigations despite the absence of an identifiable,
individual respondent or, alternatively, the lack of a specific complainant; - Revisions to the Frequently Asked Questions, including the removal of certain questions; and
- References in several places to guidelines developed by the Systemwide Title IX Office. CSA
recommended that we better define and codify some of our policy-related practices, and agreed that
could be done in separate guidelines, if referenced in the policy.
The proposed policy is available online.
Comments may be submitted to the Policy Coordination Office at by the end of business on
December 14, 2018.