I am pleased to announce that Kate Aja will succeed Larry Castro, who is retiring at the end of June as Director of the Office of Sponsored Projects. With more than 20 years of experience at UC Santa Cruz, most recently as Assistant Director of OSP, Kate brings a wealth of experiences, knowledge, and enthusiasm to this role.
As Director, Kate will oversee the grant and contract proposal submission process, the award negotiation and acceptance process, and the post-award and close-out processes, in addition to being responsible for administration of the office. The Office of Sponsored Projects is in the midst of revamping its current processes and implementing new software and third-party services to enhance the campus' research profile and services. Kate’s thorough knowledge of OSP's functions and deep understanding of the campus’s research administrative structure will provide leadership, continuity and the expertise needed to ensure a smooth transition at this critical juncture.
Please join me in welcoming Kate to his new role. Kate can be reached directly at kmaja@ucsc.edu or x9-3341.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Larry Castro’s retirement as Director Of Office of Sponsored Projects. Many of you have worked with Larry during his 35 years on campus in roles spanning from Research Analyst in PBSci, OSP Contract and Grant Officer, Senior Internal Auditor, and Extramural Funds Manager. In addition, Larry implemented the FAST Office in Accounting and directed it for five years. In the short time, I have worked with Larry I have found him to be a principled and knowledgeable colleague, and I will miss his good counsel in various matters. Please join me in thanking Larry for his many years of valuable service to the campus and wishing him all the best in his retirement.