Top story
Oh brother, where art thou?
Sculptor Jack Zajac. (Photo by Heimo)
From UCSC Review magazine: Early in the life of the campus, three artists--Jack Zajac, Don Weygandt, and Doug McClellan--helped establish UCSC's then-fledgling art department with little more than grit, humor, and creativity. Where are they now? [More]
Celebrating 45: As part of UCSC's 45th anniversary celebration, we're profiling 45 distinguished alums, along with five up-and-coming young alums, in a featured called 45+5. Click below to meet them ...
Also Featured
Regents raise fees, again: Faced with a $1 billion budget gap, the UC Regents recently approved an 8 percent fee increase for 2011-12 and expanded financial aid. [More]
Particle accelerator work: UCSC is leading the work on a new particle detector that will be the first major upgrade for the Large Hadron Collider. [More]
The Great 88: The Huffington Post named KZSC one of the top five college radio stations in America. [More]
Prose prize: Don Rothman, senior lecturer emeritus in writing, has established an endowment to honor exceptional freshman students and their writing teachers. [More]
Life aquatic: The Slug men's water polo team won the Division III National Collegiate Club Championship. [More]
UCSC In the news
Believe it: Proud Slug and hardcore San Francisco Giants fan Ashkon Davaran (Porter '02, theater arts) had a grand slam viral hit with his "Don't Stop Believin'" video tribute to the world champion baseball team. [More]
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