Tuesday Newsday
VOL. 1    ISSUE 8November 18, 2014

From our Newscenter

Virus identified as top suspect in sea star wasting disease

Virus identified as top suspect in sea star wasting disease

A previously unidentified virus has been linked to the sea star wasting syndrome that has devastated west coast starfish populations.

Center for Emerging Worlds launches with a year-long focus on global Islam

Center for Emerging Worlds launches with a year-long focus on global Islam

The Center for Emerging Worlds addresses the many conflicts, environmental challenges, resource competitions, and ethnic nationalist and religious tensions occurring in the world.

UC Santa Cruz student researchers recognized at national conference

UC Santa Cruz student researchers recognized at national conference

Five undergraduates were recognized for outstanding research presentations at the 2014 conference of the Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science.

Annual free Norris Lecture features discussions with six marine scientists

Annual free Norris Lecture features discussions with six marine scientists

UC Santa Cruz marine scientists are among the three Monterey Bay Area married couples who will discuss "When Ocean Science is the Family Business."


We're in the news

BBC World Service

BBC World Service - November 17, 2014
Food and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Washington Post

Washington Post - November 09, 2014
Navy war games face suit over impact on whales, dolphins

San Jose Mercury News

San Jose Mercury News - November 07, 2014
Grateful Dead: An early Silicon Valley startup


Reuters - November 07, 2014
Scientist hopes to unlock Ebola's secrets at outbreak's source


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