Proposed Fare Increases for Commuter Vanpool and Faculty/Staff SCMTD Bus Pass Programs

To: UCSC Staff, Faculty and Graduate students

From: Larry Pageler, Director of Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS)

Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) is proposing monthly fare increases for two transportation services:  the UCSC Faculty/Staff SCMTD Bus Pass Program, and the Commuter Vanpool Program.
As proposed, the monthly cost of the Faculty/Staff SCMTD Bus Pass would rise from $8.75 per month to $10.00 per month. The Commuter Vanpool Fares for each of four “zones” would increase in 2014-15 and during the following two years, at various rates for each zone. Additional information on each proposal is available at the TAPS website at

Both proposals were reviewed and endorsed by the Transportation Advisory Committee – a group consisting of faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students – earlier this year. The proposals are now available for comment by the Academic Senate and the general campus community. A 45-day comment period will close on Monday, August 11, 2014; comments may be sent to

TAPS staff will summarize the feedback received during the campus comment period and provide to the Chancellor for final review. The Chancellor may either proceed with approval to implement the fee increase or may return it to TAPS for modification.
If approved, the new fares would be implemented September 1, 2014.