Student parking during year-end activities

To: UCSC Undergraduate Students

From: Larry Pageler, TAPS Director

This week many parking lots on campus will be posted with signs welcoming visitors to commencements and other year-end celebrations. On Friday alone, there are 18 scheduled celebrations throughout the day, resulting in many more people parking on campus. Please be aware that campus traffic will be very restricted on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as attendants guide thousands of visitors to commencement parking. If you plan on parking on campus with an R permit during this time, please use the following lots:

Friday:  R permits will be valid in the East Remote or North Remote. They will not be valid in the West Remote lot Friday morning through Sunday night.

Saturday and Sunday:  R permits will be valid in the North Remote or Barn Theater. Loop shuttles will be running in both directions from the Main Entrance and Barn Theater to various commencement locations on campus.

If you have visitors coming to campus on Friday, let them know that Metro buses that travel to UCSC will be fare-free that day. Also, on Friday only, permits will not be required in the East Remote.

If you have questions about parking on campus this weekend, please contact Eric Kraus at TAPS (459-2190).

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.